It’s cool outside: Can air conditioner service wait until it warms back up?

longmont air conditioning service

Some car owners do not bother having their air conditioner checked until the temperatures start to heat up. This is mostly because they do not think about it until they need it. However, the best time to have air conditioning maintenance done to a car is when it is not needed. Waiting means the driver may have to go a few days without having the comfort of cool air. Having longmont air conditioning service mechanic when it is cooler out will ensure it works when the higher temperatures arrive.

longmont air conditioning service

Recharge The most common air conditioning maintenance needed is for it to be recharged. This means the refrigerant gets topped off and tested to ensure the air conditioner blows cold air. This is also the first thing to look at when the air conditioning is not blowing as cold as it should. Fans A quick check of the fans will help find if there are any issues with wiring and functionality. A look at the fans should also include looking for anything blocking the fans or damage to the blades. Damaged fan blades can cause a disturbance in air flow, reducing the efficiency of the air conditioner.

longmont air conditioning service

Leaks Regular air conditioning maintenance also includes looking for leaks. This inspection should find any leaks that may cause the refrigerant and other fluids to leak out of the system. Fixing leaks early will reduce the chances of the gaps or cracks in the hoses from getting bigger as temperatures change. Price Because of the demand, it may be possible to find discounts on air conditioning maintenance and repair during winter months. This is mostly because not many people take their cars in for air conditioning repair and service when it is cold outside.

Having the air conditioner in a car checked while temperatures are cooler, will help ensure everything is taken care of before summer arrives.

longmont air conditioning service

Doing so will help catch any damage, low fluids and other concerns that may cause problems when the unit is run in the summer. Having routine maintenance done before summer arrives will reduce the chances of having to go without air on a hot day.