4 Possible Fixes for a Malfunctioning Car Air Conditioner

 longmont air conditioning service

Dealing with malfunctioning air conditioning in one's car can be a real hassle, especially during the hot months of summer. Of course, car owners always have the option of taking their vehicles into a Longmont air conditioning service. Before spending one's hard-earned money on an AC diagnostic, however, there are a few possible repairs that car owners can try for themselves.

Fixing Leaks

Often times, a poorly functioning car air conditioner is suffering from a leak somewhere within the system. The best way to check for a leak is to head out to one's local auto supply shop; there, they sell dyes that can be injected into the cooling system and that will show up around the areas of any leaks. From there, the leaks can be sealed and the problem resolved without spending much money in the process.

Replacing Fuses
 longmont air conditioning service

Another possible cause of a car air conditioner not working is that of a bad fuse. The good thing about a bad fuse is that it's probably the easiest and cheapest fix available. In fact, many cars even come with spare fuses in their fuse box, so all it takes is figuring out which fuse goes to the air conditioner and replacing it with a new one. From there, the AC should be running again in no time.

Recharging the Unit

Over times, car air conditioners can also lose their charge, which results in low levels of refrigerant. If this is the case, then it's easy enough to buy a refrigerant top-off kit at one's local auto supply store.


 longmont air conditioning service

From there, following the instructions on the re-charge kit will have refrigerant levels topped off in a matter of minutes. This is a common fix to a problem where the car AC is running, but very little or no cold air is coming out.

Replacing Bad Parts
 longmont air conditioning service

Unfortunately, air conditioner problems aren't always as simple as described above. Sometimes, major parts in the car, such as compressors and radiators, can go out. When this happens, the best course of action is usually to replace these parts altogether, which can be pricey and should typically be done by a professional. From there, however, the AC should work like new once again.

These are just a few common causes of AC problems within a vehicle. When in doubt, bring the car into a reputable auto repair shop.